How much does the paper cost?
The Neighborhood News is a FREE weekly newspaper.
What day is the newspaper published?
We publish on Wednesdays.
Where can I find your newspaper?
You can find The Neighborhood News online at: www.theneighborhoodnews.com or stop by the office at 8613 Garfield Blvd, Garfield Heights, OH 44125 and pick up the current issue in the newspaper box.
Where's the paper delivered?
We deliver to 8 communities around Southeast Cleveland: Slavic Village, Garfield Heights, Newburgh Height, Cuyahoga Heights, Independence, Valley View, maple Heights and Bedford.
How can I have your newspaper delivered to my business?
The Neighborhood News gets delivered to businesses that are loyal advertisers with a minimum of $600 or more advertising cost a year.
How can I find previous issues of your newspaper?
We can provide a PDF file going back to 2017, any other back issues you can find at Cleveland Public Library or Western Reserve Historical Society.
What is the deadline for advertising in The Neighborhood News?
The deadline is Monday at 5 pm.
What kind of payments do you accept?
We accept cash, checks, credit cards ( except American Express). You can pay in person or over the phone.
Which file formats do you accept via email?
We accept JPG and PDF files that you can send to: nnews1923@aol.com
What are your advertising prices?
You can find all NN advertising rates at:
How much is a color ad?
We charge $10 per column inch with an additional $200 color charge.
Do you offer free write-ups in your newspaper?
The NN offers free of charge: letters to the editor – if pertaining to news items printed; landmark birthdays, graduation announcements – if college graduate is from our readership area. Churches get 1 free write-up per event, if advertise in Church Directory.